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Bitcoin & Crypto
Bitcoin & Crypto
What is bitcoin? How to pay with bitcoins?
I have bought bitcoin, what should I do next?
Invalid bitcoin address? The QR-code is not working. Where should I send the payment to?
I sent the bitcoin payment to the alternate address. Why hasn't my order been processed?
I have sent my bitcoins to your wallet, but the order is Pending/Cancelled. What do I do now?
Can I use my coupon code and still get the 10% off for paying with bitcoin?
Coinbase verification delays. I bought bitcoins but they will be unavailable for 5 days.
Is bitcoin legal? I don’t really trust cryptocurrencies
You have overpaid your order with bitcoins?
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Do I need to authorize foreign transactions with my bank?
What is phone verification? Why I was contacted by Payofix to verify the purchase by phone?
My bank approved the transaction. What to do next?
Why my credit card payment was declined? Top CC decline reasons and solutions
What is my order status? Did my order went through? No order confirmation?
What is bitcoin? How to pay with bitcoins?
What are my shipping options? How long does shipping take? What will it cost?
How our shipping is affected by coronavirus 😷
Do you ship internationally?
Package tracking FAQ and most common issues. Why can't I track the shipment?
Order never received? I have not received my package. What should I do?
Are your medications FDA-approved?
How do I know that the medication is legit? Can I get my pills or my blood analyzed to make sure?
How to order free PrEP samples? How to get generic Truvada trial pack?
No scam or fake medicines are sold?
What is a generic drug? Why is this so inexpensive?
Can I contact you via phone? No, we provide entirely online support services
Hi! How to place an order or what is your order status?
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